Log files

At runtime, the VM running any ClearConnect platform component produces 3 log files that reside in the logs directory (configurable) of the working directory of the VM. The logs directory is automatically created. All the files automatically roll-over after 1Mb (configurable) and automatically delete or archive files older than 24hrs on VM startup (also configurable).

Log file name Purpose
[main classname] - messages _[yyyyMMdd]_[HHmmss].log Platform messages and events are written to this file.
[main classname] - threaddump _[yyyyMMdd]_[HHmmss].log Periodic thread dumps are written to this file.
[main classname] - Qstats _[yyyyMMdd]_[HHmmss].log Periodic core task queue statistics are written to this file.

e.g. RemoteTestRunner-messages_20141020_200504.log is the log file created when running the JUnit tests (the main class is RemoteTestRunner)

Logging Format

The format of the log messages is:

datetime | thread | class instance | message

e.g. 20141028-09:21:27:882|fission-core3|com.fimtra.datafission.core.Context:1255364991|Notifying initial image 'Services'

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